Thursday, November 29, 2018

Yoga: Yoga asanas

Yoga - Yoga Asana , yoga for beginners , Yoga classes

Introduction of Yoga

"Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion . It is the most valuable inheritance of present . It is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow "
- Swami Satyananda Saraswati

The word yoga means "UNITY" or oneness and is derived from sanskrit word ' Yuj" which means "to join" this unity or joining is described in spiritual terms as the union of the individual consciousness with the universal consciousness.
The science of yoga begins to work on the outermost aspects of the personality, the physical body, which for most people is a practical and familiar yoga moves on the mental and emotional levels.

Branches of yoga :- Raja, Hatho, Jnana. Karma, Bhakti, Mantra, Kundalini and Laya.

Hathasya prathamaangatvaadaasanam pooruamuchyate
Kuruyattadaasanam sthairyamaarogyan chaanglaaghavan

Means;- Prior to everything, asana is spoken of as the first part of hatha yoga .Having done asana, one attains steadiness of body and mind freedom from disease and lightness of the limbs.

Yoga Asana

Asana means a state of being in which one can remain physically and mentally steady, calm, quiet and comfortable.

"Sthiram sukham aasanam"
- That position which is comfortable and steady.

Read this before starting Yoga (aasana) practice

Brearthing : Always breathe through the nose. Try to coordinate the breath with the asana practice.

Awareness : This is an essential for the You. The purpose of asana practice is to influence , integrate and harmonise all the levels of being: Physical, park , mental, awareness is essential in order to receive optimum benefits from practices.

Relaxation :
Shavasan maybe performed at any point during asana practice especially when you feeling physically or mentally tired. It should also practiced on completion of the asana session .

Sequence : After completing shatkarma asana should be done followed by pranayam the prathyhara and dharna which led to meditation.

Counterpose : When practicing the middle and advanced group of asanas particularly, it is important that the programme is structured so that backward bends are followed by the forward bends and vice-versa, and the whatever is practiced on one side of the body is repeated on the other side. This bring balanced state of body.

Time of practice : A very frequently asked question. You can practice at any time of the day except after meals. The best time however, is the two hours around sunrise. In the evening the two hours around sunset is also favourable time.

Place of practice :
Yoga classes
Place matters alot while performing asana. Choose a well-ventilated room where it is calm and quiet. You can practice outdoors also but take care that surroundings should be pleasant.
  • Do not practice in a strong wind , in the cold, in the air that is dirty, smoky or which carries an unpleasant odours
  • Do not practice in the vicinity of furniture or anything that prevents free falls to the ground.
Blanket :
Use a folded blanket of natural material the practices as this will act as an insulator between the body and the earth.
  • Do not use a mattress which is spongy or filled with air. This affect your spine.
Clothes : During practice it is better to wear loose, light and comfortable clothing.
  • Remove spectacles, wristwatches and any jewellery.
Bathing : Try to take a cold shower before starting. This will greatly improve the effect of asanas.

Detoxification : Choose one time daily to go to the toilet before doing asanas. The stomach should be empty while doing asanas. One of the reason why early morning practice is recommended is that the stomach is sure to be empty.
  • Do not use laxative drugs.
Diet : If you practice asana although it is better to eat natural food and in moderation. There are no special dietary rules. Half empty stomach is recommended for better result.
  • Contrary to popular belief, yoga does not say that a vegetarian diet is essential although in the higher stages of practice it is recommended to take non-veg.
  • Avoid food which cause acidity or gas .
  • Specific dietary restrictions are recommended for certain diseases.
Straining : A very common reason why people do not practice asana. Beginners may find their muscles stiff at first but after regular practice of week you will be surprised to find that your muscles are more supple.
  • Never exert undue force while doing asanas.
Age limitation :
No age limitation sets in yoga all age group, male and female practice asanas.

Conta-indications : If you are dealing with fractured bones, chronic diseases such as stomach ulcer, tuberculosis or hernia, should consult a yoga teacher or doctor before practice asanas.

Sunbathing :
Never practice asanas after a long period of sunbathing as the body period of sunbathing as the body will be overheated.

Terminations of asana : If you feel excessive pain in any part of body immediately stop asana.
  • Do not stay in an asana if discomfort is feel.

Meditation:Meditation For beginners

meditation pose

Meditation is a training, where we use to train our mind for deep calm and overcome from mental and social problem. In today world where stress catches on faster than the eye can see or the mind can perceive. It is a necessity. Meditation  give inner peace. It is one of the main reason why monk and meditaion practitioner is so calm and centre. This create a positive "aura" circumstance which lead us toward calmness and success.

Benefits of meditation :

  • Help in being focused 
  • less anxiety
  • less negativity
  • improve blood circulation
  • maintain heart rate
  • deeper relaxation 
  • lower blood pressure.

Some popular form of meditation

Focused attention method.

Open monitoring method.

No thought method.

Meditation Asanas

Asanas provide practitioner to sit for extended periods of  time without moving the body and without discomfort. Deep meditaion requires the spinal column to be straight and very few asanas can satisfy this condition. A proper meditaion asanas help you to meditate for a long period .

Basic meditation asanas for beginner.

  • Sukhasana ( Easy Pose )
  • Ardha Padmasana ( Half-lotus Pose)
  • Padmasana ( Lotus Pose)
  • Siddhasana ( Accomplished Pose for Men)

How to do .

      1. Do these following selected pawanmuktasanas series for preparing the body for the meditation
  • Adrha titali asana   (Half butterfly)
  • Shorni chakra         (Hip rotation)
  • Poorna Titali          (Full butterfly)
  • Vayu niskasana      (Wind releasing pose)
  • Kawa chalasana     (Crow walking)
  • Udharkarshan        (Abdominal stretch pose)  
     2. Choose a comfortable asana from above Meditations Asanas.
     3. Do Anulom-vilom first for better breathing and concentration.
     4. Breath naturally.
     5. Choose a comfortable form of meditation from above .
     6. Practice meditation at least 15-20 minutes ( for beginners).

Most asked questions.

Q. Which meditation asana is good for beginners?
 Ans.  Try EASY POSE (Shukhasana) as name it is easy and very comfortable for beginners.

Q. Which type of place is good for meditation?
Ans. A fully ventilated room with natural sound is best place for start. Once you mastery in                           meditation you can do anywhere.

Q.  Which type of cloth recommended?
Ans.  Always wear loose and washed cloth or choose according to your comfort.

Q.  Best time for Meditation?
 Ans. 2 hours around sunrise or sunset is suitable time for medititon.

Q. How long meditation could be?
Ans.  For beginning you can do for 10-15 minutes . A regular practitioner can do for 3-4 hours.

Click here to learn about mental illness
Comment your question.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Mental illness Definition - Psychiatric disorder

Mental illness definition 

Mental illness in medical science this is known as Psychiatric disorder. Mental illness are health conditions involving changes in emotion, thinking or behavior (or a combination of these ) Mental illness are associated with distress and problems functioning in social work, family activities or nearby environment . 

Mental illness or psychiatric disorder is treatable . The vast majority of individuals with mental illness continue to function in their daily lives. Many have been described with sign and symptoms disorder . Such disorders may be diagnosed by a mental health professional.
Mental illness take many forms, some time it can be cure only by home based therapy like meditation  and some are mild and only interfere in limited way daily life , such as certain phobias (abnormal fear)  other mental health conditions are so serve that a person may need care in hospital.

Serious mental illness is a mental behavioral or emotion disorder (excluding development and substance use disorders ) resulting in serious functions impairment which substantially interfere with or limits one or more major life activities, Examples of serious mental illness include major depressive disorder Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. 

Mental Health

Mental Health us the foundation for emotions, thinking, communication, learning resilience and self-esteem. Mental health is also key to relationship , personal and emotional well-being and contributing to community or society. Mental Health involve effective functioning in daily activities resulting in 
  • Productive activities ( Work, School, Care-giving)
  • Healthy relationship
  • Ability to adopt change and cope with adversity
  • Social engagement 


Mental illness

Mental illness refers collectively to all diagnosable mental disorders health condition involving
  • Significant changes in thinking
  • Change in emotion and behavior
  • Distress and problem functioning in social, work or family activites
  • Change in reaction on small daily lives problems 

Common Symptoms 

  1. Agitation
  2. Anxiety
  3. Depression  mania
  4. Paranoia 
  5. Psychosis

Risk Factors

The predominant view as 2018 is that biological , psychological and environmental factors all contribute to the development or progression of mental illness
  • Drugs
  • Personality traits
  • Genetics
  • Environmental
  • Unsuccess


Many people who have a mental illness do not want to talk about it. But mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of ! It is a medical conditions are treatable . Doctor are continually expanding to understanding of how the human brain works , and treatment are available to help people successfully manage mental health conditions. 

Mental illness does not discriminate. it can affect regardless of your age, gender geography, income, social status , race/ethnicity, religion / sprituallity , sexual orientation , background or other aspects of cultural identity. While mental illness can occur at any age. three fourths of all mental illness beings at the age of 24.

Mental illness is common. In a given year 

  • Nearly one in five (19 percent) U.S adults experience some form of mental illness 
  • One in 24 (4 percent) has a serious mental illness
  • One in 12 (8.5 percent) has diagnosable substance use disorder


The 2004 WHO report "prevention of mental disorder" stated that prevention of these disorders is obviously one of the most effective way to reduce the (disease) burden.

Click here for physical health like Weight lose program, Weight gain program , meditation and yoga.

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Yoga: Yoga asanas

Yoga - Yoga Asana , yoga for beginners , Yoga classes Introduction of Yoga "Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in obli...